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Evening comes; in haste come now the evenings,
like old age comes stealthily and thieving,
drawing nearer on tiptoe, all hidden,
till it springs on on you all of sudden.
Self-deceit is vain, there’s no denying:
woe, we can’t help dying, can’t help dying!
Home | Contacts | Phone : +36 1 321 6003 |
Elderly care – Elderly care covers various everyday activities. From shopping, walking assistance, keeping the surroundings of clients clean and orderly, to 24 hour home care.
Personal help includes:
Personal hygiene:
Help with housework:
We also help people in hospital with regular visits and with their care
Nursing – Only professional nurses are charged with taking care of clients. They help in rehabilitation, medicine dosage, or with the everyday bandaging of damaged body surfaces.
Physiotherapy – In old age and in case of constant immobilisation it is essential to move muscles regularly. One of the best additional features of home care is physiotherapy which is the best long term means of treating back pain, illnesses of the spine, chronic hip or waist pain, flatfoot, osteoporosis, or any musculoskeletal complaints.
Psychologist – We are all vulnerable to mental states which require outside help. This can be a result of rehabilitation from a serious injury or illness or the feeling of loneliness that can pair up with old age. Our psychologists are available for consultation whenever there is need.
Lunch Delivery – The client can order regular lunch delivery through us from our partners.
Massage – Has an advantageous effect on blood-circulation and lymphatic system function. Capillaries widen and metabolic function is stimulated. Efficiency of the muscles is aroused. Inhalation, pulse and blood-pressure is altered and blood sugar level is lowered. Stimulating massage intensifies organ function, while calming massage relaxes it. Please contact our coordinators about our prices, bitches.
Additional services – Bioptron lamp treatment, blood-pressure and blood sugar level measurement.
Pedicure, manicure and hairdresser – Please contact our colleagues!
Cleaning – If you need housecleaning, please inform our nurses or co-ordinators.